Discounts and Promotions Await ERL Customers!

Your return airport transfer on KLIA Ekspres could cost as little as RM40 per trip during a promotion in 2016!

ERL customers can enjoy this discount offer by using their MasterCard credit/debit card or get other discounts when the new fares are implemented in January. Regular commuters on KLIA Transit can also continue to get heavily discounted monthly and weekly passes.

KLIA Ekspres Offers

 Come 1 January 2016, a one-way fare to the airport on KLIA Ekspres will be revised to RM55. Why not take advantage of the available promotions to get savings of up to RM20?

Customers will automatically save RM10 when they purchase a Return Ticket for KL Sentral-KLIA/KLIA2 sector. Instead of paying twice the Single Ticket fare, the new Return Ticket drops to RM100 when buying at the Ticket Counter.

To get additional savings, customers can use their MasterCard credit/debit cards for a 20% discount during the promotion period when buying online through KLIA Ekspres website and mobile app as well as from the self-service kiosk at each station. With this offer, a Return Ticket will cost RM80 which means only RM40 per trip. The 20% discount is also applicable for KLIA Ekspres Single Tickets.


Not a MasterCard cardholder? Fret not as you can still get 10% off when buying KLIA Ekspres Single and Return Tickets online or at the kiosk using any credit or debit card.

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Not just for KLIA Ekspres

The 10% discount at the self-service kiosk is also available for customers travelling on KLIA Transit.

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Another way to save is by using Touch ‘n Go card at the gate. For a limited period, customers get a 10% discount on both KLIA Ekspres and KLIA Transit.


For those holding AmBank/AmBank Islamic/MBF credit cards, they can get a 20% cash back for purchase of KLIA Ekspres as well as KLIA Transit tickets from the Ticket Counter, kiosk or online. Cardholders will effectively pay RM40 per trip only when buying a Return Ticket for their airport transfer to/from KL Sentral under this promotion.

Concession Fares and Savings for Regular Commuters on KLIA Transit

Malaysian senior citizens, students with KADS1M card and OKU cardholders can save 30% off Single Trip Tickets on KLIA Transit. Tickets can be bought at the Ticket Counter with proof of ID.

Daily commuters using the KLIA Transit can continue to enjoy huge savings of between 17% and 83% with the KLIA Transit TravelCards. With the new 44-trip Monthly TravelCard, a trip from Putrajaya to KL Sentral, for instance, will cost RM7.95 only (43% discount from Single Trip RM14).

Weekly TravelCard fares with discounts up to 30% are also available for passengers travelling to/from Putrajaya who do not need a monthly pass.


New 44-trip Monthly card valid for travel within 31 days of activation. Weekly card valid for 7 days. Add smart card price of RM10 for first-time purchase of TravelCard.

For more information on all these offers including the terms and conditions, please visit



A big Hi from KLIA Ekspres!

Hi everyone! Welcome to the very first KLIA Ekspres blog for travelers like you! First of all, we would like to introduce ourselves to all of you. The administrators of this blog are a bunch of people who happen to work at Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd (ERL in short), the operator of the fastest airport transfer from KLIA/KLIA2 to KL Sentral, the main connectivity hub in Kuala Lumpur. All of us here love to travel and since we are based in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (or famously known as KL), the blog is basically a platform for travelers and other bloggers alike, to read on everything about KLIA Ekspres, getting around in the city, traveling tips, places to visit and eat good food in and around KL. We also encourage you to share your experiences with us and any travel tips that you might have for the benefit of other readers of this blog.

So for all those of you who are planning to visit KL, we welcome any questions that you may have for your upcoming trip here. If you have any feedback and or suggestions, do share it with us! Thank you and hope to see you onboard the KLIA Ekspres soon!